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Lost days, pictures fade.
Sunday, March 7, 2010


Journal: So Sick of Reports, So Tired of Tutorials
Sunday, November 8, 2009

Hey hey hey, if you think this blog is wrinkling up, no. It's not. I'm just taking a longer time to do updates because, there is nothing really much in life to update about. Unless you like to read about how I struggle with my lab reports and tutorials. Which is really unhealthy by the way. I am not updating livejournal either way so, yeah.

I totally enjoyed my holidays. Very much.

And I just updated my livejournal a minute ago. If you have yet linked it up, please please please do. Thank you very much.


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Annoucement: Take Note
Sunday, October 18, 2009

Do not leave a comment, just leave a note on the tag board.
Comments will be deleted.
I have completely no idea which community I got the profile header image from. If it belongs to you, leave a note. I want to credit.

School officially starts tomorrow.
& I don't care.
Bite me.

[Current Mood: Annoyed annoyed]
[Current Music: Corrinne May - Everything in its time]

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Journal: Thank You
Friday, September 25, 2009

(I just uploaded this on livejournal. And this post is really long. I cannot imagine myself typing everything again because it will kill me. So there it is. There shouldn't be any mistakes unless livejournal's "Spell-check" failed me)

Thank you, the awesome people out there. Awesome people, awesome awesome people, awesome awesome awesome people. Awesome awesome awesome awesome Noelle and Jia jia.

I wasn't really looking forward to birthday this year because of the new school and all, and also because of the major fact that birthday = day when end sem. results get released. AND I think because I probably hit the age where you want to "un-age" instead of age. But I am so grateful that that are people that made it all better.

And I'm sorry Noelle and Jia jia. Cause I realised that I've been acting a little weird lately. I don't know why. I didn't really know how to react and was being so out of the ordinary. I just lost confidence in myself. But don't worry, I'll find it back :D

We had lunch and caught a movie. I will upload the photos (I know I have to habit of promising photos but somehow still leave you with none) sometime tomorrow, after I edit it. I'm still in the middle of working it out.

We didn't do crazy things, you know. Even though Jia jia and Noelle was urging me to. We were considering of throwing pop corns at the innocent people in front of us :B We were right at the back, boo-yeah!
The movie was awesome. Aliens in the attic = win.

Alien Captain: "Greetings humans, we come in pieces"
Sparks: "Peace, repeat after me. Peace"

I have to admit, I spent the first 3 minutes of my 17 year old staring at the red neon digital clock on my television. Counting down to 12:03. Only because my mum was getting the left-over fried rice heated while she went for midnight shower and wanted me to look over it in case the rice explodes and burns then house down. And since I cannot cook to save my stomach, my mum told me to give it a few minutes to let it warm. But that is beside the point. The point is, I had sausage/ +prawn/ +egg left over fried rice at midnight last night.

Sausage/ +prawn/ +egg left-over fried rice = LOVE.

Aside from Noelle and Jia Jia.
I'd also want to thank my parents and both my sisters, Amanda, Jinxuan, Waiyoke, Xuyao, Jasmine, Arlene, Jorie, Kiainn, Juliet, Lihua, Jesny, Jabez, Fuxiang, and others that texted me.
If your name doesn't appear here, and you want your name to appear here. IM me. Because I somehow lost all my contacts previously and I'm now surviving on my old contact list which is really old. I had a bunch of unknown numbers giving me birthday texts and their numbers is well, unknown. And I didn't do the "Excuse me and thank you, but who are you" reply because I thought it'll be really weird.

(Erm. By the way, my birthday is not today, and was not yesterday. It was on Wednesday. 23rd Sepetember. I know this is a super late update)

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Announcement: I'm Lovin' It!
Friday, September 18, 2009

Okay, I fixed my skin. And I took only an hour this time :D
I know, I know. It's a bit cramped. And it's a bit plain. And the fonts are a bit small. BUT. I. LIKE. IT.

I don't know why, I am not really in a fanciful mood nowadays.
Sigh. I'll go emo at a corner later. Heh.

I didn't hide my playlist this time. So you can pause the song all you want. I pissed myself off when I wanted to pause the music the other time.

I need to work on my icons already. If I want to make it by next Wednesday DX
(I am trying to make this post as long as I can because I missed posting on blogger)

EDITED AT 10:29PM: I just realised. Blogger's birthday is around the corner. Heh, spot the birthday cake on the blogger icon. *Points* Check out the homepage. Anyway, thank you blogger for being around for me since I was in Primary 5 and was still a stupid kid. /Actually I still am. I. LOVE. YOU. Even though you break down on me and die at the most inappropriate time.

[Current Mood: Cynical Cynical]
[Current Music: Super Junior M - Super Girl]


Journal: I am Thankful

Okay, blogger now seems to be stable. And it seemed to have shrank too. I think all the buttons look smaller.

Well, this is not much of an update. I just want to keep this site on the go, you know? I don't want to ditch this site because this is my official 20th published post ever since the start of this page. *Cheer!* I'm going to change the layout again because Jaejoong looks too weird hot in that banner >///<
- I need to occupy myself and start on Key's batch of birthday icons that I am planning to do. I have no idea how to get myself started -


Ps: I am thankful for many many people. I am. I think you know who you are :D Thank you so so much. *Hugs you*

[Current Mood: Touched Touched]
[Current Music: Super Junior - What If]


Journal: Go Do Some Catching Up
Friday, September 4, 2009

Heh, now that blogger is being nice, I'll do a quick update. Before it goes insane again.

You know, it's so hard walking on the streets of Orchard road without falling asleep when you clearly lack of it. Mr Phua saw me today, I didn't see him until I heard him laughing. He was lol-ing so loudly in my face cause' I was spacing out while walking to the bus stop to catch my bus home. I know I looked dorky, but I can't help it when I haven't had enough sleep.

I couldn't find the pencil case I wanted from Borders. In fact, I couldn't find any pencil cases there. Unless you call the small rectangular bags for you to contain stationeries pencil cases. I think Borders hid all the pretty pencil cases I saw there the other time because it's missing!

Noelle, Sijia and I almost lost our way trying to get to Far East Plaza underground. I wonder if the undergrounds in Orchard can be bomb shelters. You know, then in times of emergency -like in the middle of World War III- we can still do our shopping at Orchard! Then maybe LV bags will cost lesser.

The three of us went to Far East Plaza to source for jobs. Part-time/ short term Full-time jobs. *Groans* It's so hard looking for jobs nowadays especially if you are a student. I applied for one of the stores there because the salesgirl told me to try it out. But I doubt I'll get through because my only pathetic working experience was at the BASC: Before and After School Care which I prefer not to speak about. And even if I did get through, my ass is so lazy that it can't drag itself to Far East Plaza everyday at 10 am in the morning to sell bikinis. I usually wake up at 2.30 in the afternoon during the holidays.

Hah, I had the most delicious Tempura Curry Don at Takashimaya today. Oh man, thinking of it makes me go hungry all over again. I love the thick thick curry sauce topping. Goes so well with the steaming rice and crispy tempura. The curry comes with potatoes! They gave me chunks and chunks of potatoes! *Goes on potato craze*

And by the way, I went back to YSS on Monday. Teachers' Day.
I stole this piece of words out of my previous blog that I kept the whole of last year as a tribute to all the teachers from YSS I want to remember by.

I wrote this piece when I got my O level's results:

Ode to these caring, sensitive and patient teachers in Yishun Secondary.
Miss Tan/ Mrs Lee: First of all I have to say a big thank you to you for all the knowledge that you had imparted to us in the past two years. You are the most responsible teacher ever. You made it a point to assign us to Community Involvement Programme early so we'll be cleared for the rest of the year. You are always concerned about what is going on in our lives as students even though you are overwhelmed with your massive piles of books to be marked and common tests to be set. Thank you.

Mr Leo: Thank you Mr Leo, for the help and advice that you had given me all of last year. You helped made me see and sketch the type of education path I want to continue after the end of secondary education. I am grateful and will never forget all the encouragement that you had given our class whenever we screwed a test. Thank you so much.

Mrs Tan: You are the best best best teacher ever. I am so sorry that our literature class gave you a hard time at the beginning in last year and I heave a sigh of relieve that you did not give up on us. Basically, we owe our success to you. We could not have done it without your effort and love. You went the extra mile of printing various types of poems and prose to help us widen our horizon and improve in our unseen section. You spent so much time worrying for us and wondering if we'll pass the exam okay. Thank you so much for believing in me and I'll never forget you. Ever.

Ms Suba: You are the teacher with the best sense of humor. Thank you for all the time that you had spend with me after lessons. Thank you for constantly nagging at me and hounding after me because of my careless mistakes. I am totally going to miss that.

We have so many awesome teachers in Yishun Secondary School, I cannot possible list them all but here are some:
Mrs Yeo- Ang, Mr Anith, Mrs Chin, Mrs Priya Raj, Ms Lai, Mr James, Mrs Neve Raj, Ms Chua, Mr Tay, Mr Ng, Mr Chan, Mr Phua, Mr Libin...

"See my big smile, cause' I'm so happy. See my big grin, I'm smiling cheese and cheese. I'm smiling cheese and cheese."

It's just my way of saying thankyou to the teachers.

[Current Mood: Accomplished accomplished]
[Current Music: - ]
